Recognized achievements: references to award-winning successes | corporate



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Automotive Industry

Mechanical plant engineering

Construction industry

Pharmaceutical industry and medical technology

Consumer goods and durables

Retail and logistics

Study Cases

Recognized achievements: references to award-winning successes | corporate

Automotive and industrial supplier Cable assembly

Turnover EUR 60 million
Employees 1,100
Project Content

• Assumption of group-wide responsibility as COO
• Strategic realignment of the Group
• Integration of a Romanian company into the Group
• Optimisation of commercial and production processes
• Development of new business areas
• Increase in EBITDA in the Group

The challenges

• Little willingness to change on the part of the
shareholder, both in terms of processes and personnel
• Different national cultures
• Diversified product and customer portfolio
• Sandwich position – large suppliers and large customers –
enforcement of claims


• Implementation of the strategy – transformation from an
extended workbench to a system provider with its own
R&D department
• Integration of a matrix organisation with a new
management culture
• Acquisition of new customers in the new business area
Sales increase 20% p.a.
• Process optimisation – introduction of lean management
& product portfolio streamlining + doubling (+200%) of
return on sales

Circular economy Recycling material

Turnover EUR 1,700 million
Employees 3,500

Project Content

• Restructuring of the regional companies in the interests
of the Group
• Analysis and optimisation of operating costs
• Optimisation of operating processes
• Analysis of investment projects

The challenges

• Heterogeneous structure of the individual regional
companies – organisation and processes
• Strong position of the individual managing directors of
the national companies “regional princes”
• Little willingness to change in the interests of the Group
• Closure of businesses


• Standardisation and optimisation of operating processes
• Centralisation of purchasing
• Consolidation of individual operating sites (closure of
individual operations)
• Strengthening Group management
• Reduce order throughput time by 20%
• Reduction of operating costs by 5%
• Increase in EBIDTA by 20%

Automotive and industrial supplier Injection moulding and system components

Turnover EUR 100 million
Employees 300

Project Content

Development of own in-house financial accounting including software procurement; replacement of previous accounting by the tax consultant
Commercial process optimisation
Centralisation and professionalisation of purchasing and finance

The challenges

External accounting
No clarity about the process landscape, tasks and roles of employees, lack of process documentation
Decentralised purchasing, i.e. everyone was allowed to shop.
Non-transparent merchandise management
Different software solutions in commercial organisation


In future, the company will be “managed” by two central, interconnected and fully integrated systems
Establishment of a central purchasing organisation incl. requirements release procedure, as well as a central goods receipt and logistics area
Development of integrated financial accounting with financial planning, liquidity planning, cost centre responsibility, inventory management for RW, HFB and FW

Metalworking industry
Tool and carbide manufacturer

Group sales EUR 2,700 million
Employees 13,000 (of which 5,000 in the EU)

Project Content

• Development of central purchasing and integration and
networking of the supply chain of the acquired
subsidiaries in Europe through several SAP
implementations as a central ERP tool.

The challenges

• Different SCM, ERP and process landscape due to
acquisitions of many companies
• Different management cultures and performance
measurements (KPI)
• Tension at management level as part of the consolidation
of individual companies
• Different kno-how of those responsible for ERP


• Synchronisation/optimisation of SCM processes and key
figures in the EU companies
• 3 SAP implementation in the consolidated companies
• Creation of clear and functional structures in the supply
chain with desired networking and transparency via SAP
and KPI reporting
• Reduction in material costs of 15%.
• Headcount reduction of approx. 20% at the subsidiaries –
but no increase in the central units

Aviation industry services

Turnover EUR 150 million
Employees 800

Project Content

• Assumption of group-wide responsibility as CFO –
Management Board
• Restructuring and reorganisation of the Group –
consolidation of 16 investments in 5 companies
• Introduction of standardised financial, controlling and risk

The challenges

• Heterogeneous financial, controlling and software
• Different procedural and documentation guidelines
• Merging and optimising different corporate and
management cultures
• Purchase and sale of shareholdings and consolidation of
management levels


• Standardisation and optimisation of commercial
processes – Introduction of uniform financial and
controlling systems and reporting standards
• Introduction of a risk management system and successful
consolidation of the 16 investments in 5 companies
• Successful post-merger integration of 2 companies
• Increase in sales by over 70%
• Sustainable increase in the Group result

Machines and plant manufacturers Machines for injection moulding

Turnover EUR 20 million
Employees 80

Project Content

• Stabilisation of society
• Preparation of a reorganisation report in accordance with
• Development of financial and operational restructuring
measures to increase cash flow and improve EBITDA

The challenges

• Impaired relationship of trust with banks and credit
insurers, suppliers
• No clarity about the process landscape, tasks and roles of
employees, lack of process documentation
• No clear management of the company recognisable
• Decentralised purchasing, i.e. everyone was allowed to
• High delivery backlogs for some machines


• Securing the solvency and continued financing of the
company (rescue from insolvency)
• Optimisation of production processes as part of LEAN
management workshops – Reduction of order throughput
time by 20%
• Centralisation of purchasing, procurement of missing
parts -> catching up on delivery backlogs
• Increase in cash flow and EBITDA

Automotive supplier
High-performance electronics

Turnover EUR 70 million
Employees 200

Project Content

• Stabilisation of society
• Preparation of a reorganisation report in accordance with
• Development and implementation of restructuring
measures and strategic reorientation to improve cash
flow/EBITDA and market position
• Assumption of responsibility as CRO

The challenges

• Impaired relationship of trust with banks and credit
• Impaired relationship of trust with suppliers
• Tense relationship with customers
• Lack of trust in the management team
• Sandwich position – large suppliers and large customers –
enforcement of claims


• Preparation of a reorganisation report in accordance with
• Securing the solvency of the company
• Generation of cash +EUR 5.5 million through customer
measures and implementation of factoring
• Measures to increase production and thus productivity
EUR +1.5 million p.a.
• Optimisation of working capital – streamlining of dunning
process, reduction of purchasing costs (new international
suppliers), optimisation of warehouse management +EUR

Metal processing Iron foundry

Turnover EUR 120 million
Employees 500

Project Content

• Assumption of responsibility as CFO as part of the
takeover by a PE company
• The objectives were the implementation of restructuring
and optimisation measures (operational measures &
professionalisation of the finance department)
• Implementation of a roadmap to increase earnings

The challenges

• Market weakness in the automotive and mining market
• Corporate culture had to get used to PE requirements
• Reorganisation of the 1st & 2nd management level
• Adjustment of personnel capacities at subsidiary and
strategic realignment


• Improvement in the earnings situation during the market
• Close and efficient controlling
• Optimisation of operational processes from purchasing to
sales; including the introduction of a “frozen zone”
• Increase in EBITDA by approx. 4% in a profitable area and
stabilisation of EBITDA in the commodity area

Automotive supplier
Injection moulding

Turnover EUR 80 million
Employees 450

Project Content

• Assumption of responsibility as CFO
• Preparation of reorganisation report IDW S6
• Introduction of Group-wide short-term liquidity planning
• M&A process for subsidiary
• Implementation of refurbishment measures

The challenges

• Impaired relationship of trust with banks and credit
• High need for restructuring in all companies with limited
financial resources


• Successful M&A process with basis for restructuring the
remaining Group companies
• Improvement in operational performance

Furniture industry
Fastening systems

Turnover EUR 32 million
Employees 160

Project Content

• Expansion of the product portfolio with the aim of
achieving a 30% share of sales with newly developed
products (85% of sales are based on products that were
developed 5 or more years ago)

The challenges

• Lack of market overview of trends and developments in
the market
• Insufficient employee know-how about development
processes and methods
• Lack of integration and coordination of development


• Introduction of project management and realisation of
training courses
• Introduction of Scrum as a development method
• Cooperation with external development service providers
and institutes (KIT) for task packages
• Basic development completed
• Investment plan prepared and submitted for approval
• Preparation of market analyses

Pharmaceutical industry
Pharmaceutical process engineering

Turnover EUR 20 million
Employees 150

Project Content

• Development of own in-house financial accounting
including software procurement; replacement of previous
accounting by the tax consultant
• Commercial process optimisation
• Centralisation and professionalisation of purchasing and

The challenges

• External accounting
• No clarity about the process landscape, tasks and roles of
employees, lack of process documentation
• Decentralised purchasing, i.e. everyone was allowed to
• Non-transparent merchandise management
• Different software solutions in commercial organisation


• In future, the company will be “managed” by two central,
interconnected and fully integrated systems
• Establishment of a central purchasing organisation incl.
requirements release procedure, as well as a central
goods receipt and logistics area
• Development of integrated financial accounting with
financial planning, liquidity planning, cost centre
responsibility, inventory management for RW, HFB and

Lighting industry
Object lighting fixtures

Turnover 180 million CH
Employees 600

Project Content

• Recording and analysis of deficits in the supply and value
chain and sustainable stabilisation of delivery
performance to > 97%.

The challenges

• Very tense relationship between the individual managing
• Creation of a common basis for the high targets – delivery
performance 97%
• Synchronisation of processes, organisational structure,
SCM/VCM, people, ERP/master data, material and
data/info flow as well as KPIs.


• Development of a target operating model and processes
for the entire order cycle, including reorganisation
Negotiations with suppliers
• Synchronisation in production and logistics with regard to
material flow. Transparency and tracking at all neuralgic
points in the order flow with KPIs.
• Savings of 8% in materials and logistics
• Headcount reduction of 5%
• Stable delivery performance of > 97%.

Automotive supplier

Turnover EUR 80 million
Employees 310

Project Content

• Creation of a relocation schedule showing the customer
benefits for OEMs resulting from the relocation
• Relocation of production while maintaining series supply

The challenges

• Delivery backlog of 2 working weeks at the previous
• Unresolved customer complaint as a result of which a
change of supplier had to be carried out with subsequent
• No knowledge of product and process requirements at
the site.


• Project realisation with customer approval within 4
months, if the project goals are achieved
• Increase in contribution margin by 5.3%
• Completion of all open customer complaints
• Plant planning, implementation of equipment, employee
and supplier qualification,
• Complete process validation of the product.
• Implementation of processes and BOM in the ERP system

Industrial supplier
Device manufacturer - Data acquisition

Turnover EUR 85 million
Employees 280

Project Content

• Optimisation of production and materials management.
• Increasing productivity and quality.
• Reduction of material stocks and system downtimes

The challenges

• Little willingness and confidence to improve the situation,
• Insufficient employee qualifications Clarity about their
tasks and roles
• Production systems in non-interlinked arrangement, also
no IT networking of the production systems
• Delivery backlog due to missing parts


• Increase in productivity by 44
• Reduction in material content by over 2%
• Reduction of the order backlog by 63
• Interlinking of production systems and balancing of cycle
• Introduction of warehouse management to increase parts
availability and reduce stock levels.
• Networking of the final inspection stations with SAP (ERP)
for automatic configuration of sales items

Automotive supplier
Climate components

Turnover EUR 23 million
Employees 100

Project Content

• Development of a QM system at a start-up company with
the aim of certification according to ISO TS (IATF) 16949

The challenges

• No defined processes or documentation available
• Lack of production facilities available
• Insufficient and varying levels of knowledge among
employees about the process landscape to be designed
• Poor IT framework conditions (software and equipment),
which are necessary to achieve the objectives.


• Establishment of complete certification-ready
documentation. Certification of the company in
accordance with ISO TS (IATF) 16949 within three years of
the start.
• Implementation of an IT infrastructure with (structure:
ERP, CAQ, BDE preliminary stage MES)
• Development of a continuous improvement process using
lean management methods.
• Result: Customer ppm rate 27 entire company.

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An in-depth knowledge of the respective industry forms the basis of successful consulting. We speak the same language, meet management at eye level, and bring valuable cross-sector experience to the table. For more than 20 years, we at MTT Consulting have been advising owner-managed companies and subsidiaries of corporate groups. Investment companies also value our expertise when it comes to the transformation of portfolio companies. 

Our focus is on medium-sized industries with high pressure to change – true to our philosophy that the key levers lie in clear market positioning and efficient value creation. Thanks to many years of consulting and management activities in these industries, we have the relevant know-how on technological trends, processes, and benchmarks. 

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Expertise in the manufacturing industry

MTT Consulting has proven expertise in the manufacturing industry as well as trading and service companies. Here we are at home:

  • Automotive industry
  • Mechanical plant engineering

  • Construction industry

  • Industrial services

  • Technology and media

  • Pharmaceutical industry and medical technology

  • Consumer goods and durables

  • Retail and logistics

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